Pagan Michigan NewsGot news?
Note: All news article submitted here must be the original work of the submitter and created specifically for Pagan Michigan. |
In the News
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Spring Equinox In Michigan 2018
Celebrate the Spring Equinox with your local community! If you don't see your event here, you can add it right now: Thank you and enjoy!
Imbolc In Michigan 2018
Celebrate Imbolc with your local community! If you don't see your event here, you can add it right now: Thank you and enjoy!
First Harvest In Michigan 2017
Gather with your local Pagan community to celebrate the start of the harvest season! If you don't see your event here, you can add it right now: Thank you and enjoy!
Midsummer In Michigan 2017
Celebrate Midsummer in with your local Pagan community here in Michigan. The Summer Solstice falls on Wednesday, June 21st at 12:23am thisyear. If you don't see your event here, you can add it right...
Yuletide In Michigan 2016
Celebrate Yuletide with your community. The Winter Solstice is December 21st this year. If you don't see your event here, you can add it right now: Thank you and enjoy! Click here to see our entire...
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Building a Closer Community Fundraiser
Online Only Kalamazoo County
Livingston County Pagans
Central Michigan Livingston
Looking for a nice single lady!
Southeast Michigan Oakland
Single woman seeking single man
Southeast Michigan Oakland
Educator looking to make a difference
Southeast Michigan
Hoping to meet fellow Pagans/Wiccans
Southeast Michigan
Mama Tracy Inc is looking for Psychic Readers
Southeast Michigan USA
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