Connecting to the Pagan Community of Michigan Find Resources by Region| Southeast Michigan | Northern Michigan and the UP | Central Michigan | Western Michigan | Southern Michigan and Michiana | The Thumb and Tricities Area | Online Resources | |
Pagan Owned and Pagan Friendly Businesses in Michigan
Ageless Image Tattoo
21729 John R Hazel Park, Michigan
Oakland County, Southeast Michigan
All Natural Healing Associates
G-5521 South Saginaw Street Flint
Genesee County, The Flint/Tri-Cities Area
Ancient Ways Temple Llc
10024 Stover rd Otisville
Genesee, The Flint/Tri-Cities Area
Ancient Wisdoms
P.O. Box 535 St Clair Shores, Michigan
Macomb County, Online Only
Genesee County, The Flint/Tri-Cities Area
Angels of Chiron
Bay City, Michigan
Bay County, Online Only
A Place of Healing
Marshall, Michigan
Calhoun County, West Michigan
Archaic Circle
Ingham, Online Only
Artes And Craft
67103 Red Arrow Highway Hartford
Van Buren, Southern Michigan and Michiana
Artist's Rescue
Romeo, Michigan
Macomb County, Southeast Michigan
Ascending Spirit Healing Center & Gift Shop
2083 Weber Rd. Gladwin, Michigan
Gladwin County, Central Michigan
Bewitching Wares
360 26th Street Otsego, Michigan
Allegan County, West Michigan
5780 w joy rd dexter
, Southeast Michigan
Boheme Tribal Belly Dance
326 West Kalamazoo Avenue Kalamazoo, Michigan
Kalamazoo County, West Michigan
Boston Tea Room, Ferndale
224 West Nine Mile Road Ferndale, Michigan
Oakland County, Southeast Michigan
Boston Tea Room, Wyandotte
121 West Elm Street Wyandotte, Michigan
Wayne County, Southeast Michigan
Candle Wick Shoppe
175 West 9 Mile Road Ferndale, Michigan
Oakland County, Southeast Michigan
Children's Yoga Teacher
629 Davis Street Kalamazoo
Michigan, Southern Michigan and Michiana
Choices Unlimited Llc
8887 Gull Road Richland, Michigan
Kalamazoo County, West Michigan
Coventry Creations
Ferndale, Michigan
Oakland County, Online Only
Organizations Run by and for Pagans in Michigan
Angel Attic
383 Starkweather Plymouth
Wayne, Southeast Michigan
Artes And Craft
67103 Red Arrow Highway Hartford, Michigan
Van Buren County, Michiana and Southern Michigan
Bridey Tines Fire
401 Kennedy St. Ironwood
MI, The Upper Peninsula
CedarSong Grove Adf
732 North Hayford Avenue Lansing, michigan
Ingham County, Central Michigan
Communitas Paganus
Grand Rapids
Kent, West Michigan
Crossroads Tabernacle Church, ATC
PO Box 980352 Ypsilanti, Michigan
Washtenaw County, Southeast Michigan
Wayne, Southeast Michigan
, Southeast Michigan
First Metaphysical Church Of Davison
8267 E Atherton Rd Davison, Michigan
Genesee County, The Tri-Cities Area
, Southeast Michigan
Hallowed Grove Coven
Wayne, Southeast Michigan
Wayne, Southeast Michigan
House Of Goddess And God
41261 CR 681 Bangor, Michigan
Van Buren County, West Michigan
Lighthouse Chapel
1501 Windsor Avenue Lansing, Michigan
Ingham County, Central Michigan
, Southeast Michigan
Michigan Council Of Covens And Solitaires
Wayne County, Southeast Michigan
Michigan Pagan Chamber of Commerce
, Southeast Michigan
Michigan Pagan Scholarship Fund
, Online Only
MoonFire Coven
Coloma, Hartford and Kalamazoo
, Michiana and Southern Michigan
Mt. Pleasant Pagan Practitioners (MP3)
Mt. Pleasant
Isabella, Central Michigan
Helpful and Interesting People in the Pagan Community of Michigan
If you don't have a profile yet, you can join the site
- Paul Barbary & Pat Rose Coloma Berrian, Michiana and Southern Michigan
- Rozmarena Mt Pleasant Isabella, Central Michigan
Authors and Writers
- nike Pinora Township Lake, Northern Michigan
- Lucille Rose Rev. Hps , West Michigan
- rev l newman royal oak oakland, Southeast Michigan
- Kenya Coviak aka Mistress Belladonna , Southeast Michigan
- Rozmarena Mt Pleasant Isabella, Central Michigan
- Morningbird Oakland County, Southeast Michigan
- nike Pinora Township Lake, Northern Michigan
- Lucille Rose Rev. Hps , West Michigan
- rev l newman royal oak oakland, Southeast Michigan
- Paul Barbary & Pat Rose Coloma Berrian, Michiana and Southern Michigan
- Melissa Moon-Goddess Livonia Wayne, Somewhere in Michigan
- Kenya Coviak aka Mistress Belladonna , Southeast Michigan
- Dr. Joseph "Odin Wynd" Keck Grand Rapids Kent, West Michigan
- Rev. Rob Henderson Ypsilanti Washtenaw, Southeast Michigan
- Melissa Cobb Kalamazoo MI, West Michigan
Performers and Musicians
- rev l newman royal oak oakland, Southeast Michigan
- Melissa Moon-Goddess Livonia Wayne, Somewhere in Michigan
- Jody Peruzzi Badger Roseville, MI Macomb County, Somewhere in Michigan
- nike Pinora Township Lake, Northern Michigan
- Lucille Rose Rev. Hps , West Michigan
- rev l newman royal oak oakland, Southeast Michigan
- Numerology by Gerry St. Clair Shores Macomb, Southeast Michigan
- Rozmarena Mt Pleasant Isabella, Central Michigan
- nike Pinora Township Lake, Northern Michigan
- Jenna Degowski Farmington Oakland, Southeast Michigan
- rev l newman royal oak oakland, Southeast Michigan
- Numerology by Gerry St. Clair Shores Macomb, Southeast Michigan
- Paul Barbary & Pat Rose Coloma Berrian, Michiana and Southern Michigan
- Melissa Moon-Goddess Livonia Wayne, Somewhere in Michigan
- Kenya Coviak aka Mistress Belladonna , Southeast Michigan
- Rozmarena Mt Pleasant Isabella, Central Michigan
- Morningbird Oakland County, Southeast Michigan
- Jenna Degowski Farmington Oakland, Southeast Michigan
- Melissa Moon-Goddess Livonia Wayne, Somewhere in Michigan
- Morningbird Oakland County, Southeast Michigan
Business Owners