Pagan Michigan is pleased to let you know about events taking place in Michigan for Pagans, Heathens, Witches, and Wiccans. We do our best to provide as much information as possible about these events and verify the information as best we are able, but we are not involved in the planning, hosting or funding of any of these events. If you need additional information about an event, please contact the individual event host using the contact information on the listing.
January 2018 | February 2018 | March 2018 | April 2018 | May 2018 | June 2018 | July 2018 | August 2018 | September 2018 | October 2018 | November 2018 | December 2018
World Healing Prayer and Psychic Development Meditation
This event presented to you by
Inner Ascended Masters Ministry
On January 23 at 7pm
Repeats? Every Tuesday Every Week
Tonight we further our focus on creating and storing psychic energy!
We first create a healing space and then send that positive energy to the world.
This is followed by a guided meditation - no telling where this may take us!
We close the meditation portion with a prayer of gratitude.
Next, we have an open discussion period which is followed by a releasing exercise.
Quite an evening of healing and growth.
Come on out and join us!
January 30th
February 6th
Inner Ascended Masters Ministry
5705 South Washington Avenue
Lansing, Michigan
Central Michigan, Ingham County
Contact Information
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